I like water. I like it for all the obvious reasons, of course, but so much more I like it as a metaphor. Let justice roll down like waters. Awesome. But that is what water does naturally, isn’t it? From its source at some high and lofty place, a drop of water instinctively searches out the lowest elevation it can find. Some will gather in ponds and lakes, some will make it all the way to the sea and some will even manage to pool underground. Then when it finds that low place, some water droplets will ascend into the sky and begin the process all over again. Jesus seemed to reveal to Amos that justice as an act of true worship naturally acts the same way.
Justice, like water, will begin at the loftiest of places and immediately seek the lowest. This is what Jesus, the Living Water, seemed to do. Existing before the beginning as God, He descended down the mountain until he gathered in low places. Wherever He pooled, the landscape changed. He refreshed the land and ended the concept of drought. He made new water out of raw elements that were drawn to Him, things began to grow and the ones who drank were never thirsty again. These ones He made are just like Him and He appointed some of them to re-pool in the low places, some to gather underground, some to constantly be rushing wild and some to ascend to the high places. But, like Him, these ones that He made also make new water wherever they go.
This is what our little zedekiah project must be about. We raw elements who have been gifted with the opportunity to drink deep of the Living Water and continue to be re-made into Living Water ourselves now instinctively search out the low places in our world and in ourselves. And when we find these low places, let justice roll down and gather in everlasting and ever-growing pools of righteousness.