Family Life for me is a very busy thing right now. I've been married to a rather wonderful man, Dave, for almost 8 years and we have three children ages 5, 3, and 7 months. I am a stay at home mom and I home-school, use cloth diapers, make our baby food, and try a variety of other granola-type activities. I also spend way too much time on the internet, consume enough Diet Dr. Pepper that I may no longer be made mostly of water, and have a tendency to wear my pajamas until well past noon. It's all about balance, people.
We all know that every family works a little different and looks a little different. It's easy to get wrapped up in our own family unit and forget all the other families and situations out there. My hope here is that you will see a little in to my family life, how we roll and what we do, and that maybe you can see similarities in your own family. It's always nice to know we aren't alone.
And if you have ever caught yourself eating cookie dough in front of the fridge at 11pm, then trust me, you are totally not alone.
I was doing that 5 minutes ago.
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