Dear Self,
A slice of cheese, Ruffles potato chips, a cupcake and a Diet Dr Pepper is not a balanced lunch.
Yes, it is bad to let the kids sleep in clothes that they were recently playing in the dirt in.
Yes, the baby does need a new diaper cover. This one smells.
No, you can't eat another cupcake. 6 is too many.
No, you can't have a glass of wine at 10am. Yes, I know what the kids got into before 7am. Just because you've shown restraint doesn't mean it's a good idea.
Yes, you have to clean the bathroom today. When Little David stops peeing in the tub instead of the toilet, you can clean the bathroom less.
Yes, you have to fold all that laundry, too. It's getting ridiculous.
What? Of course I'm fun.
Okay fine.
Have another cupcake.
Your Unsinkable Self.
Dear Internet,
ReplyDeleteThat was a good article.
The Staff