Oh yes, it's Tuesday Favorites time. Now, since I write here every Tuesday, I won't make Tuesday favorites a weekly thing here. That would get boring pretty fast. But I will do this every so often just to let the general public know about some things that I am currently loving, or think you should currently love.
They are as follows:
1) Star Trek (2009) - Let me state first off that I am not a huge Star Trek fan. I've seen most of the movies because my parents liked Star Trek, but it's not really a driving force in my life. But this movie was
awesome. AWESOME. And if you are one of the ten people who haven't seen this, dude, you are missing out. Great action, interesting plot, and super interesting way to make a new franchise out of an old one. Let me put it this way: I own almost every one of Jane Austen's books in movie form - I am not an action movie junkie. But I insisted we buy this the day it came out and we've watched it multiple times since and will be watching it tonight if I have my way about it.
2. Tucson - Yes, I just came back from a super rad

girls weekend there, so I may be a little biased, but I really love this place. I love mountains? It has mountains. I love quiet? Friend, this place is quiet. I love cactus? There is a little thing here called Saguaro National Park, yes, a park devoted to cactus. There is phenomenal Mexican food, wide open skies, and a clear black sky at so you can see the stars. Get thee to Tucson and feel the Arizona Zen.
3. Lawn Mowing Season - Okay, I'll give you that this is a little more random

than the other things, but it is SPRING in Texas and I am gloriously happy. The robins are out, the Bradford Pears have lost the blooms and have bright green leaves, and the sound of lawn mowers can be heard at every hour of the day from dawn till dusk. For me, Lawn Mowing Season means that winter is officially over and I can throw open my windows and smell the delicious smell of freshly cut grass and know that only good days are ahead. And lest you think my yard looks anything like the one pictured, we'll just say that limbs awaiting chipping are currently covering most of our backyard and I'm living vicariously through the sounds of my neighbors mowing.
4. Thinking Putty - Short description? Silly putty for grown ups. Long description?

Only the coolest thing ever! We ordered a tin of this for Tot because I saw it advertised as a good distraction for kids that needed to fidget while learning. Tot is smart as a whip, but her attention goes haywire without something in her hands. So, when I am reading to her or having her read to me, I let her squeeze and pull the Thinking Putty to get the wiggles out. What is cool about this stuff is that it's silicone based, never dries out, always returns to a puddlish form, and comes in all sorts of forms: magnetic, heat sensitive, glow-in-the-dark, etc. Frankly, Tot only gets it now and then because I like to use it for tension relief. You get a handful of it in one tin and it's the best for squeezing the mad out :)
5. Cactus - I know I already mentioned this once, but I am having a seriou

s case of Desert Love. Did you know that Saguaro cactus take up to 70 years before they grow one of their famous side arms? I know! I had no idea either. So when you see one of the iconic little beasties, you can know that it is old, old, old. And when it rains, the Saguaro soaks up water and looks visibly larger. See? I am full of cactus facts. Love me some cactus. As evidenced by the picture.
So there you have it! 5 things that I am loving this Tuesday. What are you loving today??
I love this list!
ReplyDelete5 things I love that few people know about--
1. Physics. Yeah, huge nerd.
2. Reese's cups. I can't stop eating them if they're around.
3. Harry Potter. I still believe Rowling mis-counted the horcruxes.
4. Gardens. If I have the time, I'll grow a huge, English-style garden of my own. Consequently, I love Thomas Kinkade paintings.
5. Suites. I dig suites. Armani, Zenga.....whatever I can get my hands on.